Coffin Gates are the gateways in the game that Shadow Man encounters in Deadside.
The first Coffin Gate doesn't contain shadow power as it leads to the Paths of Shadow and the Prophecy Chamber.
Further Coffin Gates require more of shadow power later on and contain pathways to other levels or items.
There are a total of 18 Coffin Gates in the game.
The final Coffin Gate requires level 10 shadow power and contain various items in different versions of the game.
- In the Personal Computer (PC) version of Shadow Man, the "mystery" door that requires 120 Dark Souls gives you the Book of Shadows, which is the concept art book. Note this area also unlocks the Area 51 code in the PC version. The 'Secrets' menu in the PC version at the start up screen allows you to toggle on or off which cheats you want activated (they aren't in the inventory screen in game.)
- The Sega Dreamcast (DC) version of Shadow Man has the concept art book and is the same as the PC version.
- In the Nintendo 64 version of Shadow Man, Mike is given a second Violator instead of the Book of Shadows behind the level 10 gate.
- In the Playstation (PSX) version there is the Book of Shadows concept art book just like the PC and Dreamcast versions. There is no secrets to be found, hence no cheat menu.
- In Shadow Man Remastered there is an additional level 10 coffin added in the Fogometers in update version 1.4 containing a Light Soul once all Cadeaux in the game have been found to get past the door past the coffin gate