Shadowman Wiki

Jstewart2007 Jstewart2007 11 days ago

Valiant Comics Database

If you guys like Shadowman, come by the Valiant Comics Database.

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Thekingdomofike Thekingdomofike 17 June 2017

Join a Larger Community

Hey everyone! Well, this Wiki was founded way back in the early 2010s. That's awesome! Sadly, though, there hasn't been much activity on this Wiki for the last few months. (See screenshot below.) I figure that's probably because of the low participation on this particular Wiki. Shadowman is awesome, but he's just one of the many characters Valiant has put out over the years! So, I'd like to invite all of you on this Wiki to consider consolidating your energies with those of other fans over at the Valiant Wiki. That Wiki has been around nowhere near as long as this one has, but we've got new energy coming our way and we've made a lot of progress in our first year. We're not a huge group, but we're growing and are expecting to grow more with th…

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Don Felipe Don Felipe 25 July 2016

Where's this pic from?

Does anyone know where this picture was taken from (magazine, comic) and what it's supposed to be (promo, fan art, weird design art)?

Thanks for your help!

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